/ The RE's Muse: And now we wait

The RE's Muse

After 4 years of infertility, 2 surgeries, 1 miscarriage, and 19 months of high risk pregnancies, hubby and I now have two little women in our lives--one a toddler, the other not far behind. Buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Friday, July 23, 2004

And now we wait

Lessez les bon temps rouler--"let the good times roll!"--is today's motto of the day.  It's Friday and quitting time can't get here soon enough.  I hate my job but make the best of it because my insurance plan (even though it only covers diagnostic services for infertility--and I'm grateful for that) is what ultimately brought me to my current RE--who hubby and I both love and respect (okay, I love AND respect him, hubby just respects him) and I've got flex time so I can actually take off for the repeated wand rides and blood letting as required.  Those are the only two factors that keep me here.  Fridays are my salvation as are days off (alas, not enough of them).

While I'm feeling pretty up because today is Friday, I'm just embarking on the dreaded 2ww and that is certain to bring me down, way down.  I beg my egg, I plead with my uterus, I cajole my body, I bargain with g_d, I rationalize with myself...in short, I do everything in my mind that I (illogically) think should equate to a BFP come Aug. 4th--if my body even allows me to get that far.  On previous stimulated/IUI cycles, I got AF within 10 days of the insems so I should, therefore, know by July 31st if this is a bust.  I go back on the 27th for a progesterone draw--I guess we'll know then if prog support and goopy panties will be in my immediate future or not. 

The wait may kill me...



At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hoping that now will be your turn.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Soper said...

Congratulations! You have won first prize in the "Question of the Day" contest! I don't even want to know why you know what a finger condom is... You win either an 8x10 photo of Obligatory Miscarriage Dog, or a large packet of M&M's, your choice. Just e-mail me to collect your prize....


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