Who am I?
Some days I think I've got this mothering thing down pat. And then other days I stop and wonder just what the hell I've gotten myself into.
I'm a type A personality...and I have always been very organized (hello, the list is my best friend!), disciplined, clear-minded, and I had a regular daily routine (work, home, work out, make dinner, hang out, sleep--lather, rinse, repeat). But for the life of me, since Juliana arrived, I can't seem to get my shit together post-pregnancy. I've only taken off 10 lbs. of baby weight (um, yeah, that means all I lost was the weight of the baby/placenta/fluids and nothing more), plus I can't seem to find the time to exercise or even make dinner, can't keep my thoughts straight, and can't remember shit. No lie.
I see other mothers (typically SAHMs at the grocery store, mall, etc.) with their babies and take inventory--they're thin, well-dressed, make up/hair done--in general, they're well 'pulled together,' and this makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong. Me--WAHM (with baby still attending daycare full-time), fat, barely presentably dressed (none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit--WAH!), hair a mess or pulled up in a clip, no makeup, and tired...so damn tired most of the time. Yeah, I'm whining but I just can't seem to get it together and I don't know why. I don't think I'm depressed...I'm actually pretty happy about most things in my life right now but things just seem so disheleved on the personal and home fronts.
Now that Juliana is here, things are different...and I knew they would be so it's not like any of this came as a surprise. I just feel like there aren't enough hours in a day anymore. I just don't feel like 'me' anymore. I'm someone else (I know, I know--I'm a 'mom' now) but I don't know this new person, and unfortunately, don't have time to get to know her.
But I do have the time to get to know the "new" person in the photo above (a person who is ohsoclose to crawling v v soon) and I have to say, getting to know her is the best part of this new reality.